Tuesday 7 June 2016

Genre theory

Task 1:
Watch the videos above and analyse how the original trailer's genre has been repositioned in the re-edit. Make sure in your response that you look at and discuss:
  • Cuts (speed and type)
  • Non-diegetic sound
  • Effects (post-production, text, graphics, etc.)
Produce a written analysis of the re-edit and post it to your blog.

Task 2:
In order to produce a good film short for your own portfolio, you need to acquire editing skills and practise using the relevant software.

Select a film trailer of your choice and re-edit this to change its genre - try to go for something completely opposite for maximum effect. You should use the Mac suite and Final Cut Pro to produce this work.
  • Start by selecting the trailer and storyboarding the existing trailer, including shot types, editing, etc.
  • Investigate your chosen new genre and conventions - create a moodboard
  • Research existing film trailers from that genre - select one and analyse it in detail
  • Cut up your original storyboard and rearrange it to create your new genre trailer
  • Edit the original trailer (there are some free software packages online where you can download trailers from YouTube)
You should post all of your research and work onto your blog. Be prepared to show your new trailer to the class. Deadline: Friday 24th June 2016

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