Sunday 20 September 2015

Legal considerations for your trailers

Create a post that covers the following aspects of 'film administration' that need to be considered before it is distributed to your audience. It is up to you how you present this information, but all elements below must be present.

Task 1:
BBFC guidelines and age classification - create a quick guide to the BBFC and age classification, along with a discussion of how you envisage your own film being classified, including reasons.

See this student's blog for an example.

Task 2:
Research your legal responsibilities as a film creator, producer and distributor. You need to think about your responsibilities when filming in different locations, different age groups, insurance, payment, etc. Create a short guide to your legal responsibilities and apply these to your film trailer, including how you plan to combat certain hurdles.

Helpful sites include:
Film London
BBC Film Network
Health and Safety Executive

Task 3:
Investigate film censorship and regulation, including the differences between regulation and censorship, and provide examples of films that have been censored, including discussion of why this was the case. Consider if your film is likely to face censorship and how you intend to reach your target audience in those cases.

Helpful sites include:

Task 4:
Research your responsibilities regarding copyright - think about what elements of your trailer may be subject to copyright laws, and discuss how you intend to ensure your trailer abides by these.

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